Friday, November 9, 2012

Zombies on the Yard

One school morning there were four boys walking to school. They didn’t want to be late for school. When they got towards the school Mr. Candon was waiting outside. He said ‘Why are you all so late’. They said ‘we were getting our lunch’.
When Leon and the lads got up to class, they heard James  telling Cameron a scary story, which happened about thirty years ago in this school. It was about a class up up the roof  who were doing work on the flowers and the garden there. Mr. Bailey, who was the teacher, heard a noise from the lift shaft next to the roof so he went to check.  Nothing was there. Yet when he got back his class was gone!!
Back in the class, follwing James' story, Kian heard noise, it was a meteorite on the yard. All of a sudden the classes started to shake. Then zombies came out of the crater that the meteorite created in the yard. Miss O’Carroll went downstairs to onvestiagte but a zombie chased her on the corridor. Everyone decided to take action, we barracaded ourselves in the classroom and three amazing boys came up with a plan to kill the zombies. Remeber an ''ar-oo cha cha'' a day keeps the zombies away . So when a zombie came into the classroom, Ben did the ''ar-oo cha cha'' and it exploded. The news spread fast . Now all the zombies were falling like flies!! So when there was two zombies left Anthony eliminated one and Ade eliminated the other. When they were all gone, we lifted the roof off with cheers - but then we remembered we'd just saved our school!! A good or bad idea?!!

By Ade Benjamin

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Ade, this is a very accomplished piece of narrative writing. It shows some of the super narrative writing work that went into story-boarding the 'Zombies on the Yard' film.
