Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Strange Sounds!

Today in class we did two experiemnts exploring vibrations and sound. One was 'feeling' sound. We blew up balloons and held them next to our friends' ear. When we spoke through the balloon the sound was louder and really clear.
For the next experiment we put clingfilm over a plastic box and pulled the clingfilm really tight. Then we put uncooked rice on the clingfilm. After that we placed the plastic next to the speaker of a music stereo. When we played the music, the vibrations made the rice hop and dance - the rice can dance better than most of the lads in my class!!

By J-Dizzle D-Money

Monday, April 15, 2013

Let's Build a Rocket Boys!

We did some great science stuff and experiments this afternoon. We learned that when water or different liquids are added to vitamin c tablets, carbon dioxide is released. The pressure of the carbon dioxide builds up inside the canister until it blows the lid off the canister. If we put the canister upside down, on the lid, then it will shoot into the air like a rocket!!

By John and Cameron