Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Old Man Marly's House and the Chopper!

It was a cold and dark night.Leon, Jay, Dana and Git were in the park on the swings. Jay said 'On Friday we all stay in 'Old man Marly's mansion'. 'He's dead a couple of years' said Dana. 'My mum wont let me' said Git. ' OK!ok if your to chicken don't' said Jay. 'Alright' everyone agreed. 'We'll need sleeping bags' shouted Jay 'We'll need sleeping bags' shouted Jay as he left, 'but don't worry I'll get them'.
It was Friday. Jay woke everyone up. 'It's Friday! come on get our stuff ready' shouted Jay. They all got up in fear. But no one could say I'm not going because they would be called chickens. They all sat in the park 'till 10:00 o'clock. Git said he was going to the shop but he never came back.

'Lets go in now, come on' said Jay. So they walked to the door. Leon opened the door. 'It's alright' 'We all stay together' said Dana. We all went up to room one. But there was a surprise waiting for Leon, Jay, and Dana. There was a television. Leon, Jay, Dana plugged it in and knocked on the news. They saw the 'Chopper', a man who chops you up and eats you. The last place he was seen was 44th street where Jay, Dana and Leon were!!
AAGGHH!! 'Aww' said Jay and he was the person who was suppose to be not scared!!. Leon went to the toilet. When he came back Jay and Dana were gone. Leon picked up a pole and checked in all the rooms. They were in room 12. Leon crept in. The Chopper was not there but Dana and Jay were tied to a chair. Leon got them out of there nand they ran out the door.
They ran home to their parents and told them everything. They called the police. The police went to the house but he was not there. We got in a lot of trouble BUT WHO KNOWS IF THE CHOPPER WAS REALLY THERE???!!

By Leon

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