Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Carol Performance!

Today, Wednesday the 3rd of December, we are going to be carol singing in the IFSC with the girls' school for our fundraising for the school in Temple Street Hospital. We sing lots of songs like 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer', 'Jingle Bells', 'Let it Snow' ,'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' , 'Mary had a Baby' and 'When Children Ruled the World'.We are very good at singing. Lots of people give us lots of great reports after we sing at mass.That's why we are always getting called for when there are special occasions in the church.The people who organised this was Localise and PWC with us boys at St Laurence 'O Tooles C.B.S and and girls at St. Laurence O' Toole's G.N.S . We hope to make over €2,000!!

By Paul, Leon and William.

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