Friday, May 3, 2013

Why Our School Should Abolish Homework!

Imagine that all the schools in Ireland didn’t give any homework! We'd be able to do more sports, help people in our community and learn more skills. I think our teacher should stop giving us homework.
Firstly, I believe we should not get homework because we could become fitter with the extra time that we would have. We could be healthier and I’d have more time to cook healthy meals.
Secondly, in my opinion we should not get homework because with our extra time we could be helping the old folks with their shopping and go to the curry shop for chips for them. Time that is spent doing homework could be used to help the old people in our community.
Thirdly, I strongly suggest I don’t think we should get any homework because no homework would allow me to go up town with my ma and help her with the different jobs she has to do. I could be more helpful around the house if I had less homework to do.
Furthermore I don’t think we should get any homework because we could be in our club playing games instead of sitting down doing homework. Playing games is also important because we can learn skills that are as important as homework.
In conclusion, the best reason not to give homework is we can have an argument with Mark and Mr. O’Leary about no homework and we can just play out instead of doing any homework!!

By Josh Mangan

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