After the 1798 rebellion many people in Britain were afraid that Ireland might rebel again and get support from other countries. The best way to prevent this England felt was to unite the two countries under the one parliament . This parliament would meet at Westminister in London and the Irish Parliament would be dissolved.Lots of lands lords and people did not like this because they would lose land and power. On January 1st, 1801, the first day of the Act of Union kicked in. It lasted until 1922.
There were lots of ways that the act of union affected Ireland
1. Laws from Ireland were passed on to the parliament in Westminister in London
2. There was free trade between the two counties
3. Ireland sent 100 MP's to the parliament but there was almost 600 MP's altogether
But really Ireland wasn’t happy – they lost too much influence. We created 'Comic Strips' to tell the story in class, you can see them above!
By Jordan D.
By Nathan and Jordan.
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